Academic Accommodations

Academic Accommodations

Getting Started

在大学环境中,学生有责任发起和跟随 through with the accommodation process. However, staff in the Student Services Office 文森斯大学乐意帮助所有具备不同能力的合格学生 obtain reasonable accommodations from their professors.

建议确定所有大学的支持和学术资源 并安排在不同能力的学生开始他们的第一学期 classes. 有兴趣的学生请到学生办公室完成注册 尽快通知服务处,其中包括提供专业文件/证据 of a disability and the need for specific accommodations. It is important to note 在大学里,住宿资格并不是自动授予的 may have qualified for accommodations in high school. 

学生可直接与学生服务办公室联络,以完成申请表格 registration process for accommodations. Students will be asked to fill out a Student Questionnaire & 请求学术住宿,以协助工作人员确定 appropriate accommodations for their individual situations.  


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